Canadian Living

“If you read my blog frequently, then you know I’m totally crazy about reusable produce bags. Let’s say you’re buying an assortment of 10 fruits and vegetables at the grocery store – that’s 10 plastic bags that will end up in the landfill. In the November 2009 issue of Canadian Living, we featured handy reusable…

House and Home

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of attending the 2010 Green Living Show at Toronto’s Direct Energy Centre. What a great way to kick off the weekend — an afternoon perusing booths designed by companies, organizations and people all trying to make a difference for the environment. I’ve attended the show for the past couple…

The Globe and Mail

Nearly two years after founding her business, Ms. Lazar is looking forward to the day when she pops into a grocery store and finds someone carrying broccoli or apples in one of her reusable produce sacks. For now – despite thousands of sales and a growing movement toward being environmentally responsible – most shoppers in…

Organic Cotton Produce Bags

My favourite reusable items are the organic cotton produce ‘CredoBags’. They are a mesh style bag with a drawstring closure. I love not using those flimsy store-provided plastic bags for two reasons: 1. less waste/recycling, and 2. no more bags of slimy veggies found in the fridge. They are available through me or my website!…

Fruits et légumes

À la maison, nous sommes des gros mangeurs de fruits et légumes. Il y a environ 2 ans, je me suis commandé plusieurs sacs pour mettre mes fruits et légumes. Mes préférés et les plus durables sont les Credo Bags, comme ceux-ci. De plus, ils sont faits à Montreal. Ils vont à la machine à…

No Bag? No Problem!

Canvas Bags LIMITED EDITION! Canadian-made using 100% natural cotton, durable and just the right size for groceries, the gym, the beach – anywhere you go! Made by Credobags, an eco-conscious and socially responsible company aiming to inspire simple changes in everyday habits that collectively help our environment.

Sustainable Shopping Bags

Each year some 500 billion plastic bags are used in the world. Just a small amount of them is actually being recycled, the rest goes to trash. Considering the short lifetime of plastic bags, from the store back home to the trash, their practical aspect cannot outweight the negative effects they have on the environment.…

Credobags : L’affaire est dans le sac

Certes, Credobags n’est pas la première à proposer une solution de rechange aux sempiternels petits sacs plastique. Mais on aime particulièrement la marque parce que: – C’est beau: tout en coton et mousseline, avec un design rétro-moderne, épuré, pas de fioritures ni de message bêtifiant à la « j’aime mon quartier » ou « j’aime la nature ». Soft,…